The Ertuğrul Project was realized to honor the memory of our seafarers who were martyred on the Ertuğrul Frigate, which sank after hitting the rocks off Kushimoto in Japan in 1890. Within the scope of the project, the underwater excavations of the Ertuğrul shipwreck in Kushimoto were sponsored in 2015...
Due to the lack of a shipyard in the Mediterranean Region for ship repair and maintenance, a coastal area within the Taşucu SEKA Port Area, offering geographical, economic, and logistical advantages, was privatized. The Taşucu Shipyard Area's operation rights were granted to AKTER Akdeniz Taşucu Gemi Sanayi A.Ş. for 46 years...
Under the 2011 SODES Programme by the Mersin Governorship, 15 young people aged 18-25 from Mersin, working with low wages or informal employment, and 10 unqualified young people were trained in the field of wooden boat building...
The project under the Çukurova Development Agency’s 2008 Financial Support Programme aimed to train individuals in logistics management, focusing on analytical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills...
The project, carried out between 7 July 2009 and 7 April 2010, aimed to improve the economic and socio-cultural environment of Mersin and to contribute to the training of a qualified labor force by providing social, cultural, and vocational training to disadvantaged groups. These groups consisted ...
The project, conducted from 26 February to 26 September 2009 under the EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme, aimed to enhance the professional qualifications of beneficiaries working in administrative positions ...
The project, conducted between May 10, 2001, and May 31, 2009, aimed to promote Mersin to foreign yacht owners on an international level, popularize yachting in Mersin and its surroundings, develop a ...
Akdeniz MDTO Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MDTO MTAL), the construction of which was undertaken by the Mersin Chamber of Shipping in 2009, offers a four-year education in Ship ...
Yiğit Aslan, 13-year-old swimmer of Mersin Doruk İhtisas Spor Kulübü, supported by Mersin Chamber ...
The East Mediterranean and Türkiye Workshop, held in Mersin on November 15, 2018, addressed the security and strategic importance of the Eastern Mediterranean for the geopolitical and economic future of Türkiye. Organized by Koç University Maritime Forum (KÜDENFOR), Planning ...
It is aimed to reduce the pressure on local species and strengthen the resilience of the Mediterranean ecosystem against the negative impacts of alien species through commercialization, to gastronomically evaluate gargur (striped piggy) fish which is considered as a discarded species, and to create a new source of income for fishers in Mersin...
Adres: Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odası Pirireis, İsmet İnönü Blv. No:45, 33110 Yenişehir/Mersin
Telefon: +90 324 327 7000