Completed Projects

Ertuğrul Project

The Ertuğrul Project was realized to honor the memory of our seafarers who were martyred on the Ertuğrul Frigate, which sank after hitting the rocks off Kushimoto in Japan in 1890. Within the scope of the project, the underwater excavations of the Ertuğrul shipwreck in Kushimoto were sponsored in 2015...

Ertuğrul Project
The Ertuğrul Project was realized to honor the memory of our seafarers who were martyred on the Ertuğrul Frigate, which sank after hitting the rocks off Kushimoto in Japan in 1890. Within the scope of the project, the underwater excavations of the Ertuğrul shipwreck in Kushimoto were sponsored in 2015, marking the 125th anniversary of the accident and the 90th anniversary of Turkish-Japanese diplomatic relations. During the 2015 underwater excavations, gold, silver, and bronze coins from Ertuğrul's treasure box were found, along with other artifacts belonging to the ship and the seafarers. The collected artifacts from the excavation were exhibited at the Ertuğrul Research Centre in Kushimoto, Istanbul, and Mersin. Additionally, 340 artifacts belonging to the ship and seafarers were donated to the Mersin Naval Museum for permanent exhibition. The Executive Board of the Mersin Chamber of Shipping participated in the commemoration ceremonies organized in Japan for the 125th anniversary of the Ertuğrul accident, held meetings and conducted examinations in Kyoto and Wakayama, visited Kashino, and met with the villagers of Kashino who assisted our injured seafarers from the Ertuğrul Frigate accident.

Taşucu Shipyard Area Feasibility Project

Due to the lack of a shipyard in the Mediterranean Region for ship repair and maintenance, a coastal area within the Taşucu SEKA Port Area, offering geographical, economic, and logistical advantages, was privatized. The Taşucu Shipyard Area's operation rights were granted to AKTER Akdeniz Taşucu Gemi Sanayi A.Ş. for 46 years...

Taşucu Shipyard Area Feasibility Project
Due to the lack of a shipyard in the Mediterranean Region for ship repair and maintenance, a coastal area within the Taşucu SEKA Port Area, offering geographical, economic, and logistical advantages, was privatized. The Taşucu Shipyard Area's operation rights were granted to AKTER Akdeniz Taşucu Gemi Sanayi A.Ş. for 46 years, with the Mersin Chamber of Shipping as a shareholder. The project aims to construct, maintain, and repair marine vessels, with plans to service 100 vessels in the first year and 600 by the end of five years. Studies related to the "EIA Regulation Annex-1 List Article 9/C Shipyards" were conducted to support the establishment of the shipyard.

Earn Your Crust from the Sea Project

Under the 2011 SODES Programme by the Mersin Governorship, 15 young people aged 18-25 from Mersin, working with low wages or informal employment, and 10 unqualified young people were trained in the field of wooden boat building...

Earn Your Crust from the Sea Project
Under the 2011 SODES Programme by the Mersin Governorship, 15 young people aged 18-25 from Mersin, working with low wages or informal employment, and 10 unqualified young people were trained in the field of wooden boat building. This 10-month training, held at Mersin Technical and Industrial Vocational High School, aimed to address the intermediate staff shortage in the sector by providing these 25 individuals with necessary skills. From 24 November 2011 to 24 January 2013, trainees received 160 hours of theoretical and 800 hours of practical training. A motor yacht-type wooden training boat named "MDTO Training" was constructed during the course and allocated to Mersin Chamber of Shipping Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School to be used in education. The project also included vocational excursions to Erdoğan Mobilya Boat Production Centre, Mersin Naval Museum, and Mersin Marina to enhance trainees' general knowledge and awareness. Additionally, a conference titled "Maritime in the World and Türkiye" was held at Mersin Technical and Industrial Vocational High School. The Wooden Boat Production Department was established at the school to ensure the sustainability of the trainings held within the scope of the project.

Mersin Logistics Professionals Project

The project under the Çukurova Development Agency’s 2008 Financial Support Programme aimed to train individuals in logistics management, focusing on analytical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills...

Mersin Logistics Professionals Project
The project under the Çukurova Development Agency’s 2008 Financial Support Programme aimed to train it's beneficiaries in logistics management, focusing on analytical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. It provided 37 participants with 224 hours of basic logistics training, 48 hours of personal development training, and 64 hours of vocational English training. Additionally, 18 unemployed young people were given internship opportunities in logistics companies. The project included study visits to these companies, a seminar programme with national and international speakers on four topics, and the publication of lecture notes on vocational logistics training as a training manual.

Karaduvar Vocational and Social Development Centre Project

The project, carried out between 7 July 2009 and 7 April 2010, aimed to improve the economic and socio-cultural environment of Mersin and to contribute to the training of a qualified labor force by providing social, cultural, and vocational training to disadvantaged groups. These groups consisted ...

Karaduvar Vocational and Social Development Centre Project
The project, carried out between 7 July 2009 and 7 April 2010, aimed to improve the economic and socio-cultural environment of Mersin and to contribute to the training of a qualified labor force by providing social, cultural, and vocational training to disadvantaged groups. These groups consisted of 50 women aged 18-45 who had no education, occupation, or income, and 50 young people aged 14-24 who were substance-abuser or at risk of potential addiction. The project was funded by the Çukurova Development Agency and coordinated by the State Planning Organization. The Karaduvar Vocational and Social Development Centre was established, offering vocational and social development courses, including theatre and fishing net knitting training. Three theatre trainers and two fishing net knitting trainers were assigned to the Centre, providing a total of 180 hours of training to the participants. The project aimed to teach 50 unemployed women, mostly fishermen's wives living in Karaduvar Neighbourhood, how to weave fishing nets to contribute to their family economy. Disadvantaged young people who were substance-abuser or at risk of potential addiction staged the musical "Ah Şu Genç" after receiving theatre training, along with guidance, counseling services, social-cultural activities and psychological support.

Enhancing the Professional Qualifications of Operation Staff Working at International Shipping Companies

The project, conducted from 26 February to 26 September 2009 under the EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme, aimed to enhance the professional qualifications of beneficiaries working in administrative positions ...

Enhancing the Professional Qualifications of Operation Staff Working at International Shipping Companies
The project, conducted from 26 February to 26 September 2009 under the EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme, aimed to enhance the professional qualifications of beneficiaries working in administrative positions within the operations departments of maritime transport and logistics companies. As part of this initiative, 10 beneficiaries selected by the selection committee underwent language training and cultural preparations. They subsequently traveled to Oviedo, Spain, between 12-27 April 2009, where they visited various ports and logistics centers. The programme, organized by the Austrian Entrepreneurship Federation, provided them with the opportunity to engage in bilateral meetings with representatives from shipping and logistics companies.

International East Mediterranean Yacht Rally

The project, conducted between May 10, 2001, and May 31, 2009, aimed to promote Mersin to foreign yacht owners on an international level, popularize yachting in Mersin and its surroundings, develop a ...

International East Mediterranean Yacht Rally
The project, conducted between May 10, 2001, and May 31, 2009, aimed to promote Mersin to foreign yacht owners on an international level, popularize yachting in Mersin and its surroundings, develop a culture of marine tourism, and ultimately foster yacht tourism in the Mediterranean. As part of the project, activities were carried out to include Mersin as a stop in the International Eastern Mediterranean Yacht Rally. Çamlıbel Fishing Port was upgraded to accommodate at least 150 yachts, and the electrical and water installations of the finger piers were adjusted for yachts. Additionally, efforts were made to introduce the city's history and culture to yacht rallyists participating in the annual rally in Mersin. A total of 1280 foreign-flagged yachts, participating in the International Eastern Mediterranean Yacht Rally held every May, visited Mersin during the project implementation period. These activities paved the way for yacht rallyists to visit Mersin Marina, which was opened in 2011 with a capacity for 500 yachts, and encouraged local business people to become yacht owners and dock their yachts at Mersin Marina. Thus, significant strides were made towards Mersin becoming a maritime city.

Mersin Chamber of Shipping Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Project

Akdeniz MDTO Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MDTO MTAL), the construction of which was undertaken by the Mersin Chamber of Shipping in 2009, offers a four-year education in Ship ...

Mersin Chamber of Shipping Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Project
Akdeniz MDTO Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (MDTO MTAL), the construction of which was undertaken by the Mersin Chamber of Shipping in 2009, offers a four-year education in Ship Machinery Management and Deck Operation. Recognized as a project school by the Ministry of National Education in 2018 and included in a vocational education cooperation protocol in 2029, MDTO MTAL has seen numerous improvements, including enhanced workshops, laboratories, scholarships, additional English lessons, and a training boat donation. Promotional efforts have increased student enrollment and success rates, with additional support provided for English education. Following the Chamber’s successful lobbying, an English preparatory class will be introduced in the 2024-2025 academic year, making MDTO MTAL the first maritime vocational high school in Türkiye to implement such a program.

Supporting Swimmer Yiğit Aslan

Yiğit Aslan, 13-year-old swimmer of Mersin Doruk İhtisas Spor Kulübü, supported by Mersin Chamber ...

Supporting Swimmer Yiğit Aslan
Yiğit Aslan, 13-year-old swimmer of Mersin Doruk İhtisas Spor Kulübü, supported by Mersin Chamber of Shipping, broke the record of famous swimmer Derya Büyükuncu, which has been unbroken for 26 years, with his time of 2.01.97 in the 200 metres freestyle races in Italy.

East Mediterranean and Türkiye 2nd Workshop

The East Mediterranean and Türkiye Workshop, held in Mersin on November 15, 2018, addressed the security and strategic importance of the Eastern Mediterranean for the geopolitical and economic future of Türkiye. Organized by Koç University Maritime Forum (KÜDENFOR), Planning ...

East Mediterranean and Türkiye 2nd Workshop
The East Mediterranean and Türkiye Workshop, held in Mersin on November 15, 2018, addressed the security and strategic importance of the East Mediterranean for the geopolitical and economic future of Türkiye. Organized by Koç University Maritime Forum (KÜDENFOR), Planning for the 21st Century Group, and Mersin Chamber of Shipping (MDTO), the event featured key speakers including retired Admiral Cem Gürdeniz and energy expert Hakan Özyıldız. Gürdeniz emphasized Mersin's pivotal role in the "Blue Homeland" strategy of Türkiye, advocating for a focused defense and foreign policy in the region amid rising tensions with neighboring countries. Özyıldız highlighted the shifting energy dynamics favoring renewables and natural gas, stressing the need for Türkiye to expedite its exploration and drilling activities. The workshop, attended by diplomats, admirals, academics, and city officials, underscored the East Mediterranean's significance in global power struggles and its critical impact on Türkiye and the TRNC's future.

Çarçur Etme Gargur Ye Project

It is aimed to reduce the pressure on local species and strengthen the resilience of the Mediterranean ecosystem against the negative impacts of alien species through commercialization, to gastronomically evaluate gargur (striped piggy) fish which is considered as a discarded species, and to create a new source of income for fishers in Mersin...

Çarçur Etme Gargur Ye Project
With the “Çarçur Etme Gargur Ye Project”, it is aimed to reduce the pressure on local species and strengthen the resilience of the Mediterranean ecosystem against the negative impacts of alien species through commercialization, to gastronomically evaluate gargur (striped piggy) fish which is considered as a discarded species, and to create a new source of income for fishers in Mersin. Within the scope of the project, which is co-financed by the Small Grants Program of the United Nations Development Programme, information meetings were held in Erdemli and Taşucu to inform fishers, women and businesses that will undertake an important mission in the fight against invasive species and tasting events were held where "gargur tantuni" was served to the participants.

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